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艾滋病英语作文:Fighting against AIDS

  the world aids day is confronted with a gloomy picture that shows the deadly virus is not abating, but spreading even faster.

  deaths and new cases of infection have reached unprecedented highs in xx and are likely to rise still further, according to a report jointly released last week by the united nations and the world health organization (who).

  this year, some 5 million people have been infected, bringing the total number of people living with hiv/aids to 40 million worldwide. at the same time, some 3 million died of the disease.

  the epidemic continues to expand, far from reaching a plateau, health experts warn.

  while sub-saharan africa remains the worst affected region, the asia-pacific area - home to 60 per cent of the worlds population - is shaping up as the new battleground in the fight against the disease, the report indicates.

  unless effective action is taken, some countries in the region may face major epidemics.

  china may become one of them should the country not be responsive to the crisis.

  latest statistics put the number of people with hiv/aids in china at 840,000, including 80,000 aids patients.

  worse, the momentum for further spreading of the numbers is continuing, and may well be accelerating.

  though the current prevalence in the country is still low, the increased infection rate plus the vast population in the nation points to a possible catastrophic explosion in cases in the absence of stepped up efforts to fight the disease.

  chinese aids experts have raised the alarm that people living with hiv/aids may soon soar to 10 million by xx without efficient prevention methods. while the number could be trimmed down to 3 million if prevention methods work, action, and only action, can make the difference.

  due to ignorance and lack of commitment among some, the disease has already caused great human suffering, economic losses and social devastation. yet waiting ahead could be losses multiplied exponentially if the virus is not kept at bay.

  the situation is grave, and the challenge is tough. china cannot afford a delay in making a serious commitment to the fight and taking action.

  initiatives have indeed been rolled out, and they must be followed.

  executive health vice-minister gao qiang recently pledged that the government will provide free medical treatment to hiv carriers and aids patients in rural areas or those among the urban poor. he promised to ensure legal rights and interests of hiv/aids victims.

  he said that local governments will be held directly accountable if loopholes in their work lead to serious epidemics in their regions. he also called for intensified government intervention into behaviour found to be at risk.

  this is viewed as the strongest commitment to date by the government in tackling the epidemic.

  the plan, if carried out well, will surely be a great push forward in fighting hiv/aids. it should herald more and stronger resolution from the government.

  lack of information on the virus has proven to be a major element that fuels the spread of hiv/aids. aggressive campaigns should be undertaken to promote knowledge about hiv/aids to even people in the most remote areas, especially among illiterates and those practising unsafe sexual behaviour.

  more important, efforts from all walks of life are needed to create a friendly atmosphere for people living with hiv/aids.

  prejudice, rejection, hurt and ostracism are some of the most painful parts of hiv infection which even a miracle drug can not overcome, a who official explained.

  stigma and discrimination constitute one of the greatest barriers to preventing further infections, providing adequate care, support and treatment and alleviating the epidemics impact.

  the same sort of national commitment and resources used to fight sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome), if used toward fighting hiv/aids, should help us find an effective way to combat this disease, too.


艾滋病英语作文:Hope in the Fight Against AIDS

  hiv has been a widespread epidemic for over 30 years now; despite recent setbacks, researchers around the world are still heavily committed to developing a vaccine that will stop the virus in its tracks and help the millions of people who have yet to suffer its wrath. now, some researchers are looking for answers to help fight the battle in a place where we might not have searched before: the human mind.

  the economic and social research council recently funded a new study that shows human hope might be a very strong and overlooked tool to help in the war with aids. in a nutshell, the study determined that people who had goals and definitive plans for their futures (whether that involved careers, relationships, children or the like) were more likely to stay away from any situations that would give them a high risk of contracting a disease like aids; on the contrary, those people who did not have many high hopes for their own future were more likely to engage in actions that would put them at a higher risk. one example widely used in the study is of men who do not have any ambitious hopes or goals for their future when engaging in sexual relations, they are less likely to wear a condom because the instant gratification and pleasure they feel when they do not wear a condom takes precedence over the future risk.

  tony barnett, a professional from the london school of economics, agrees with the study, current policies to tackle hiv/aids in africa emphasize inpidual behavior such as the abc approach to prevention: abstain, be faithful, condomise. however, these measures require that people have hope for the future and goals to aim for. and if wider economic and social circumstances are so poor that people lack hope for the future, then these current policies will have limited success. a prime example of this can be seen in the global fight against aids: while moderate success has been had in western civilization, there has not been as great a degree of success in african nations. consider the fact that in the country of botswana, the life expectancy is 36 years for somebody with aids compared to 71 years for somebody who has not contracted the disease. recent estimates have shown that within the next decade, the life expectancy may plummet even more to 30 years.

  studies like this one are demonstrating that in order to strengthen the fight against aids, researchers need to not only focus on a persons behavior (as many research studies do), but their cultural, economic and social background as well. researchers in the field of aids/hiv studies need to strongly consider that for most people, hope for things like a secure future, a successful adulthood and an ever-growing family tree have an enormous impact on the decisions an inpidual makes throughout his/her life. having a disease like hiv/aids can literally destroy a persons chances for any kind of hope which, in turn, can affect the entire society as infection rates soar. in africa, for instance, where most people have little educational and financial support and, thus, bleak futures, young adults are more susceptible to contracting hiv at some point in their lives. barnett states, hope is quite straightforward to measure via questionnaires and surveys can help to identify high risk environments. although there is not a great deal of experience in developing programs to increase hope, policies such as cash support for children, microfinance for small businesses, womens education, reduced discriminations against sexual minorities and health system reform will improve the wider environment. and with more to live for, interventions to encourage inpiduals to change their behavior are more likely to succeed.


艾滋病英语作文:World AIDS Day

  world aids day is observed every year on december 1st.

  do you know aids? aids is a terrible disease. right now, it is a deadly disease and so far, it cannot be cured.there is no pill, no vaccine, no surgery to make you better. hiv and aids has decimated the world we live in, and things are only going to get worse.so it is called super killer.

  at last estimate by unaids, 40 million people have been infected with aids around the world.every minute, five people get infected with aids! it is terrible, isnt?

  do you know about this red ribbon?it is called the aids ribbon.on this day people wear red ribbons to show their support and to raise awareness. this started as a grassroots effort and there is still not one main manufacturer for the ribbons. the red ribbon united people to fight against aids.

  you wont get aids if you:
  work, eat and drink together with aids patients;
  shake hands with them or hug them;
  talk face to face with them;
  use the same toilet as them;
  swim with them.

  what do you think about aids? show us your ideas.


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