



精品作文 时间:2024-03-10 09:05:48 WORD下载 PDF下载 投稿



  老师坐在讲台后面,校长正在广播发言,滔滔不绝假期总动员没错没错,现在正是7月3日,哈哈,对了,我们要放假啦!哇哇哇,好激动,好激动。今天是在校的最后一天,哦,不对,是最后一小时。滴答滴答,滴答滴答,滴答滴答呦西,准备好逃出监狱了吗?Three,two,one。放假了!耶!  都来不及说声再见,同学们都冲出校园,原谅我们并没有留恋我挎着书包,三步并作两步的冲出大门。呼!放假了!我转过身,对着这座学校,脸色异常严肃:小样吧,看你以后还怎么管我。哼!我吐了吐舌头,转过身,大步流星的回家了。哈哈,终于把学校抛在身后了。这感觉,比吃了糖的孩纸还好。嘎嘎嘎嘎  什么上课测验,什么假期作业,这一刻通通都靠边回到家,我甩开书包,一下子扑在了我舒服的床上。啊,想死我了,我可爱的床;想死我了,我漂亮的Teddy熊;想死我了,我最爱的冰淇淋好的,先睡个回笼觉,补一下睡眠。梦中,冰淇淋都朝我飞过来了,哈哈哈哈哈,真好吃。  第二天,阳阳,别睡了,快起来吃饭。哎呀,你让我再睡一会。快起来!唉,好不容易放假了,还睡不好。吃完饭,刚准备出去,就被老妈叫住了:阳阳,别总顾着玩,要不,你先把自己的衣服洗了?我一脸无奈的看着老妈,还真会找劳工。我端起那盆衣服,切,不就是盆衣服吗,难不倒我。不一会,衣服被我搞定了,刚准备跑,老妈又喊了起来:你看你洗的这衣服,墨水还在上面呢。额。我头上再次冒出了N多黑线。这时,我好像看见我身后的学校,正在阴森的笑着。可恶!竟敢嘲笑我。整个上午,我都在忙呀忙呀,根本停不下来。阳阳。完了,老妈又叫我了,唉,我美好的暑假呀,在老妈的摧残下,你就要game over了。唉,拜拜了!  噢,天呐,神啊,救救我吧,快点开学,我要上学。



My Holiday

i like to travel places of interest, so i went to lu mountain with my mother this holiday. i was very excited on this journey. when i got to lu mountain, i couldnt see lu mountain clearly. in fact, the trick of lu mountain is played out by the cloud, which shrouds the mountain all the year round, the dense fog hiding it from a clear view.

lu mountain is in jiangxi province. it faces yangtze river to the north and borders poyang lake. chairman mao went to lu mountain to have a good rest many times. he also wrote some great poems.

how beautiful lu mountain is! there are a number of trees, beautiful flowers and so on. the guide told us that lu mountain is well known for three wonders: the cloud sea, the waterfalls and the cragged cliffs. i like the mountains very much. the mountains are all very high. there are lots of strange stones on them. when i climbed it, i could see the beautiful cloud sea. honor the cloud sea of lu mountain for its ever-changing mist, which enables the mountain to pose persely.

on the first day, i went to hanpo pass. it is situated between two peaks midway of a ridge in the southeast of lu mountain and overlooks the poyang lake. overlooking southward on top of the mountain, the poyang lake is like a silver mirror. in the north, the yangtze river looks like a jade ribbon flying to the east. the pass is also an ideal place for visitors to view the sea of clouds and sun rising on the lake.

do you want to have a good look at lu mountain?

follow me, please. lets go!


My Holiday

i like to travel places of interest, so i went to lu mountain with my mother this holiday. i was very excited on this journey. when i got to lu mountain, i couldnt see lu mountain clearly. in fact, the trick of lu mountain is played out by the cloud, which shrouds the mountain all the year round, the dense fog hiding it from a clear view.

lu mountain is in jiangxi province. it faces yangtze river to the north and borders poyang lake. chairman mao went to lu mountain to have a good rest many times. he also wrote some great poems.

how beautiful lu mountain is! there are a number of trees, beautiful flowers and so on. the guide told us that lu mountain is well known for three wonders: the cloud sea, the waterfalls and the cragged cliffs. i like the mountains very much. the mountains are all very high. there are lots of strange stones on them. when i climbed it, i could see the beautiful cloud sea. honor the cloud sea of lu mountain for its ever-changing mist, which enables the mountain to pose persely.

on the first day, i went to hanpo pass. it is situated between two peaks midway of a ridge in the southeast of lu mountain and overlooks the poyang lake. overlooking southward on top of the mountain, the poyang lake is like a silver mirror. in the north, the yangtze river looks like a jade ribbon flying to the east. the pass is also an ideal place for visitors to view the sea of clouds and sun rising on the lake.

do you want to have a good look at lu mountain?

follow me, please. lets go!

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